Valideynim Ol

About the project

“Valideynim Ol” project

Valideynim Ol” project was realised by Azerbaijani League on Defence of Children’s Rights (UHML) with financial support of The Council on State support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main objective of the project was creating a website with information all around orphans, adoption laws in Azerbaijan for a wide auidence. UHML thanks the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, the secondary general boarding school No 2 for orphans and Family-type small group house number 1 for information support. UHML also expresses deep appreciation for the orphans who appeared on the interviews.


You can download the information and the law regarding the adoption in the Republic of Azerbiajan from the links below:
Booklet on adoption – The State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The collection of laws of the Republic of Azerbiajanon on adoption (in Azerbaijani).


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You can download the detailed information from the following links:
Number of children in orphanages – according to information of the Ministries of Health and Labor and Social Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Adoption and adoption cancellation – according to information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


You can download the lists (including names, phone numbers, addresses) of orphanages in Azerbaijan from the links below:
Detailed list of state orphanages
List of state and private orphanages
Information on orphans